I am unable to use Envato Tuts+

I am already a paid member of envato elements and when I try to watch a tutorial on Tuts+ it redirects me to Envato Elements for signing up front page.

Envato tuts+ is different from envato elements you have to subscribe tuts+ also

But is says you would get Tuts+ once you sign up for Elements.


have you tried to login again from envato elements and then try to watch a tutorial on Tuts+
Also hope you loggedin in tutsplus using your login credentials when you try to watch a tutorial on Tuts+
Please contact Elements Support. Elements Support Team will be happy to help.


This is what I see on tuts+ when I sign in using the same Elements Account.

and This is what I see when in Elements

at first screenshots there is a button ‘Subscribe with Elements’ if you click on that button what will happen!

I get these screens in order.

after hitting that subscribe with envato elements i get this one.

After that it just goes back to account information on my Envato Elements, and back to square 1

one more try: please login from the above page (your screenshot mean envato elements) mean after hitting that subscribe with envato elements page. if it not work for you then please contact envato elements support, they will be happy to help. support link provided in my first reply. Thanks

Hi @romanooluis - this looks like a bug, as you should definitely have access to Tuts+ content as part of your Elements subscription.

Have you already opened a Support Ticket via Envato Elements Help and Support? If you haven’t, please do so - those support tickets will go straight to the teams who can troubleshoot this problem.

Update: Our developers have identified that this issue only affects subscribers who have switched to a Team subscription. They’re currently working on a fix for all other accounts affected by it - in the meantime, the issue has also been manually fixed for @romanooluis’ account.

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I can confirm this looks like its working now. Didn’t submit a support request because I couldnt find the link you shared…

Thank you all for the help!