Transfert themes to another account

Hi there, is it possible to transfer a theme from one account to another? One of my partner is leaving me and I have to give him a theme we bought with my account. I don’t want him to use my account (with envato toolkit for wordpress) to update the theme when needed, if not he will have access to all my themes and plugins.

Unfortunately not. You can transfer the license for him to use it but the downloads will only ever be available from the original purchase account.

Q.Can i transfer my theme one account to another account(my) of theme forest account? Is it Possible and what is a process and How much take time for that?

We have two accounts on ThemeForest. One is Non-exclusive account and another is exclusive account. So in Non-exclusive account 12 themes live and we have good number of sales.

Whereas, an exclusive account has another HTML builder template. which live before one week ago.

Now, we are planning to transfer our theme (exclusive account) to another account.

So, It is possible? What is the procedure?, How much take a time for transferring process?

No transferring items between accounts regardless of who owns the accounts