Hi Everybody. I’m happy to see that i’m a level 3 author with 51 sales and 1035 $. Thank you Envato !! I just wonder why i don’t have any rating ? I really want to have feedback of my work. Does anybody can give me a little star ? Regards
I just want to ask you 2 q.
Why should they give you feedback and rating?
Are there any customer contact you.?
Why should they give you feedback and rating?
Don’t know. That could just be cool
Are there any customer contact you.?
Nope …
As of writing this I have 572 sales and only 9 ratings. That means less than 2 percent of my customers actually rate what they purchased. I’ve bought stuff from Photodune before and rating each purchase couldn’t be easier. I wonder if the system is more convoluted and less user friendly for AJ? Seems strange that so few buyers leave a rating nowadays.
I hear somewhere that envato used to have email to notified customer rate or give feedback 2 weeks after purchased item on market, but it doesn’t work anymore.
If Evanto never ever have that option then they should.
Customer doesn’t give you feedback/rating to be cool.
Almost custormer only give rate when get your support/custom services or give feedback when asking for the features update that they need. I’m fines with it, we have to find a way asking customer to contact us.
But first, they have to contact you first =)). I guess your item doesn’t need support.
I got 5 rate out of 50 sales from Nov 25th. Mostly from customer get support from us.
I have nearly the same amount of sales as you and I think maybe one rating. Truth is, ratings don’t matter on this site and I’m not even sure most buyers are even aware of them. Envato should probably just get rid of the ratings system as it is worthless.
Don’t know if rating leads to sales. However i think maybe good reviews can help to have a completed profile.
I think ratings might be useful for things like CodeCanyon where it’s impossible to really “preview” a product before you buy it, and thus you need to rely on the feedback of others a little bit, but in terms of audio you can listen to a whole track before you buy it, so ratings really have no benefit except for maybe some vague psychological peace-of-mind.
Ratings are rare, this year was the worst, less than 0,7% of the customers rated my items.
If you really want ratings. Just put a small bug to you item they will contact you, then support them and ask for 5*
Don’t bother too much with the ratings. If customers want, they will rate and not having any ratings is not a bad thing as we can see that you’ve managed to make a 1000+ sales without ratings
Keep it up
Although this is said as a joke (never put intentional bugs in your items) it’s very true that the majority of ratings come off the back of support and bug fixing, I think it’s because a buyer then feels happy with the product and that they’ve received a personal service they’re happy with, makes them want to shout about it
i saw the joke coming
hi, u should rather rejoice indeed, most of the time people more easily come to rate when they are dissatisfied lol more seriously, what u are going through is nothing but common indeed , i have 1227 sales and not so many ratings personally , which proves that the system is not a real reflection of what authors are all about , as , if iwas joking indeed, people are really coming more easily if they have to complain than when they don’t have to … and basically all ratings are not as good as they should be …
You can increase ratings just by contacting with your customers. Or place on items page guide how to rate. Because it’s quite tricky to rate item.
I have only 30 ratings on 2.2k sales, main reason is that customers should go in download menu to rate item
i thought that contacting customers was prohibited indeed … in any case, i think that in some cases , this is would be hard to recollect their information anyway , plus , i have had some customers contacting me sometimes, and even if u help , they are very satisfied and that u remind them " pls rate", they do not do all the same. I even had one once who was not at all knowing how to do … and thus who has never done …
You know what they say…: Careful What You Wish For
I also have zero ratings and 100+ sales, but I don’t really worry about ratings. Good quality music sells itself.
For audio, customers can check it by themself.
But for codecrayon, themeforest,. If your item get 2-3 rating star.
I don’t think any customer want to buy your item anymore. We used to think to leave some small bug so we can give support and collect few rate + feedback =)))
But it’s too risky. I happy with few tickets/weeks so I have time to release another item.
Contacting in any allowed way
This way won’t give 100% result but might increase ratings amount