Thoughts on the 3D Model content currently available

I’ve been away from Envato Elements for more than a year. When I subscribed I did find it useful but wished they would offer 3D models. This is always what I’d mention during their frequent surveys. Actual 3D models! Not rendered images from different angles.

I’m considering re-subscribing so I just checked out the site and was incredibly excited to see they are now offering such 3D model downloads. Unfortunately, after looking through the collection I find the overwhelming cartoon style of the models unappealing and not suitable for the types of projects I generally do. Only some of the Kitbash models seem useful.

Wondering what others feel? I imagine the 3D model offerings are pretty new? So maybe better, more realistic models will come in the future. To the Envato Elements Admins: can you share any of the plans for this catalog of material? Will you be acquiring more creative and realistic models that don’t look like cheap plastic children’s toys? What I (and I suspect many others) would prefer are the kinds of models you currently have in which only rendered images can be used. Those are the types of 3D models we need for download!

You cannot download everything for your need only 20$ per month.

Why Not? Last time I subscribed to Envato Elements I was able to get much of what I needed for photos and fonts and video.

Not everything of course. Some things were gotten at other places and a great deal was simply created by myself.

One of the reasons I left Envato Elements was lack of 3D assets (I started doing more of that work), which again I ether made myself or got elsewhere.

Since owners / admins of the site at some point decided to offer 3D models I assume they must have had an idea of the type of files they wanted. It can’t be a coincidence that all the current offerings have the same bubble gum cartoon style - or are all of these models except for the Kitbash ones from the same author?

Clearly Envato Elements made some kind of deal with Kitbash to provide content for the site. So it would not be implausible to assume they do have quite a bit of agency in deciding upon the style of models offered. It seems unlikely their acquisition process is just left to chance.

There is a review process is there not? And that review process can encourage the focus of what type of models are sought for inclusion in the offerings. Or they can simply curate the direction of the collection by specifically seeking more content providers like Kitbash. I am therefore not so sure in the validity of your statement that Envato has no control over what types of material is contributed. I don’t see any pornographic, violent, or even mildly provocative content on the site - so surely Envato has some form of control over what lands on their pages.

All I am trying to find out is whether or not they do in fact have plans to encourage the acquisition of a style of models that are more real world oriented. That would help me better determine the personal worth of this subscription.

We just launched a new 3D initiative and word is going out to authors to help get a ton of new 3D content. So the answer is yes :grin:

Thanks for the info! That was a very positive reply which helped me decide to renew my subscription. Looking forward to using Envato Elements again.

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Awesome news! :grin: Here’s the 3D launch blog post of you want to know more about what’s coming - Explore Envato’s new 3D category—exclusive 3D assets, curated collections & more