The mail from envato: > Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Volcano Logo Reveal” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
_> _ > Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:
_> _ > Thank you for taking the time to submit your item. Unfortunately this item does not meet our quality requirements and cannot be accepted at this time.
_> _ > The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements. We strive to accept professional quality projects, and unfortunately this submission doesn’t quite meet that criteria.
_> _ > When reviewing projects, in addition to overall quality of design and execution, we take into consideration the flexibility, usefulness, appeal to a broader audience and broadcast readiness of the file. Unfortunately we don’t feel as though this project
hi well basically u just received the standard message lol
as for me, despite i am not a video expert, there are some things that u can definitely improve, also considering that every detail matters indeed
what i would mainly “reproach” to your first footage is basically that the global thing is cute and lively but this is not optimized visually in my view and some elements u are using are rather bringing the general graphic quality down somehow some way. I am particularly talking about “scratch” lines all around the main elements, as well as the uneven lines on wooden boards, some being too close from wood board edges make people have the feeling that the element is from behind and this is both not aesthetic but also , hence this, drawing too much attention on this part which is not important indeed
for teh second video, in my view this is much better, the only thing that i may comment about this is that the thing would look much better again according to me if all was smaller, starting with the logo indeed, at this stage, as u have it, this is punchy and visible but slightly lacking refinement in my view
well i hope it could help u, i hope some specialists can tell u more …
In my opinion the first video is too flat and basic about animation, even when you use flat elements because of the style you wanted for the project. It gives me the feeling that everything is all heaped. And maybe animation should flow more, even when you made a stop motion look.
The second video I guess is low quality about 3D and image definition. The “revealing lava” is very low realistic and doesn´t look like lava. Besides all the elements in the animation are really too big, mainly the logo, is huge if you take into consideration the size of the screen.
Keep working and don´t give up!
Good Luck!
no this means u cannot unless “u bring significant changes” to your project … which is not impossible to do , especially if u consider all the mentioned things