Please share your experience, if anybody placed themeforest purchase code getaway to themes for example to demo download or required plugins installation, is themeforest OK with doing things like that ? Because it will solve a lot of tasks:
Not legal theme usage
If you upload theme to Themeforest and to Envato Elements, you can give limited demo for Envato Elements and for full demo user need to purchase theme from Themeforest. Is this allowed by Envato ? This will move traffic from Elements to Themeforest, and from TF to Elements.
Will be happy to see your experience examples and thoughts.
I think this isn’t compulsory to adding purchase code in your items .Causes It will added automatically added Envato Market System, That is enough for verifying user purchase items.
Hope you understand!
The main idea of adding purchase code gateway, it to separate Envato Elements and Themeforest users access to demo. Add default limited only one homepage access for Envato Elements users, and full homepages demo access to Themeforest users. Is this allowed by Envato ?
You can require a purchase code for demo data. I’m not sure about doing that for required plugins though – that would be an issue for reviewers and they would not be able to check your theme.
I don’t see an issue with requiring a purchase code for optional plugins that you made and that are exclusive to your theme.
But if you are putting the theme on Elements, you should not any of these things.
Absolutely not acceptable. You must give Elements users the same exact theme and content as ThemeForest buyers. Elements advertises unlimited downloads, not “unlimited (but limited) downloads.”
No. Whatever is advertised as part of your item must be available in full to both Elements and ThemeForest users.
Thank you for detailed answer. Now all is clear. But it will be good idea to make this possible, because it can move traffic from TF to Elements and from Elements to TF.
Envato Elements is a subscription service meant for those who want to use many of its assets on their projects and do not require any support from authors. Notice that in no part of that sentence did I mention that assets were limited.
You are not required to sell your theme on Envato Elements, but if you do, you are required to sell the full theme. If you were selling a limited version of your theme, this would change Envato Elements to be more of a “test before you buy” platform rather than an unlimited creative subscription.
In doing so, they would betray all of the users who have already subscribed believing they would get full versions of assets. This is what we call “bait and switch” and is illegal.
Envato Market is Envato Market - 1 Item = Purchase
Envato Elements is Envato Elements - 1 Subscription Purchase = Access to Multiple FULL items during your subscription.
Envato Elements is not “half of Envato Market, for which you pay $xx only to see a demo so you can pay another $xxx to get the real deal”.
As you’re not allowed to sell “Demo’s” on ThemeForest you’re definitely not allowed to sell demo’s or even worse, Trials on Elements. Doing this is incredibly against the terms of service and will definitely result in your account being terminated without notice.