Bought from reseller

Hi all. I am new here.

I bought the themeforest theme from re-seller. Coz, I dont have access to the theme account. The reseller provided me the theme API key.

Just curious, Is this key will be sufficient for future update ? Is there any chance that reseller change mind and change the key ? What else needed from reseller to secure my theme in future.


What do you mean by “reseller”? In the traditional sense this doesn’t exist for envato.

  • affiliates exist BUT these just link to envato so you would still need to buy direct

  • (non exclusive) authors could be selling elsewhere BUT these would no provide an envato license code

Selling items “as is” would be in breach of envatos license and not allowed esp with the original license code

Any updates or support will only ever be available to the purchasing account. It’s possible if the theme is installed then auto updates could be active but that’s no guarantee.

You know you can buy themes from envato without needing to have an account and just use guest purchasing? (You would need to eventually register to access support and updates).

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Thanks for info.
One of my friend got themeforest monthly full subscription since few years. He bought for me with his account and he provided me the theme with key.


Well technically that’s still not allowed as it’s not been modified but either way support and updates will only ever be available to then buyer account.

If it was using envato elements (subscription) not themeforest then there is no support or updates given anyhow. If it’s years old then almost certainly you are going to have issues with more recent WordPress etc