Hello guys,
Iam looking for a wordpress theme for hotel reservation that has the below functionalities, can u suggest some, It should contain,
Home page,
registration option for visitors,
Dashboard options for registered options,
Separate login for Reception Section for viewing the booked rooms and an,
Admin section for configuring all options.
Thanks in Advance.
with your requirement, you could check this hotel theme : http://themeforest.net/item/miami-exquisite-hotel-booking-wordpress-theme/12929437?s_phrase=miami&s_rank=2
Thanks for your reply, the theme u r suggested doesnt show up any login process and registration process for visitors in the demo and also admin section, thank you.
You’ll need a combination of a good theme a plugins.
Theme with provide you with good overall design, home page and other options but you’ll need good plugin(s) for registration for visitor, dashbaord options for registered options etc. You’ll need a customised version of a good booking plugin.
I can help you with the whole customisation/integration. Please contact me on admin@isotopethemes for any assistance.
Thanks for your reply sir, will contact you soon.
I’m not sure if our theme will fit your requirement or not but you can check on these videos first : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNIFTA4Bjp3vqdtzLxM41mvQ5gW-4yn8L
And if you’re interested: http://themeforest.net/item/hotel-master-hotel-hostel-booking-wordpress-theme/11032879
If you need a complete Hotel Booking plugin, give it a try: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-hotel-booking/
For themes, you can take a look at this list: http://themeforest.net/search?utf8=✓&term=hotel+wordpress&referrer=search&view=list&sort=&date=&price_min=&price_max=&sales=&rating_min=