Our theme was soft rejected some few days ago. Out of the 2 changes, which is below;
- How to test the blog/posts layout/functionality - Import the Theme Unit Test [http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test] file and make sure that:
- All default content is formatted properly.
- Posts display correctly, with no apparent visual problems or errors.
- Posts display in correct order.
- Page navigation displays and works correctly.
- As “sticky posts” are a core feature, the theme should style and display them appropriately.
- Lack of body text should not adversely impact the layout.
- Theme must incorporate both the “Tag” and the “Category” taxonomies in some manner.
- Floats are cleared properly for floated element (thumbnail image) at the end of the post content.
Reference link: https://wpthemetestdata.wordpress.com/
- Please ensure sure all default WordPress widgets display properly in all widgetized areas. You can check with the Monster Widget WordPress plugin [https://wordpress.org/plugins/monster-widget/].
The demo url with the unit test data is http://demo.themesdeveloper.net/bigshop/wp/wpmaster/
Original theme demo - http://demo.themesdeveloper.net/bigshop/wp/
We improve some design but not sure about what is wrong. Pls help, any suggestions are appreciated.
Kind Regards,