I am preparing my first template psd…
A question, but the name of the layers or folders what language should be?
Thank you all!
I am preparing my first template psd…
A question, but the name of the layers or folders what language should be?
Thank you all!
It’s an international market so wherever possible make copy in English both within the file, documentation etc
Thanks a lot
Besides the name for level and folders, what type of documentation i must provide?
Excusme for my trivial question, but i would made a good work
thank you a lot
before submit PSD with all page (home, about us, services, contact, etc…), it’s a good thing submit only the home?
so if I made mistakes, i not reply in the others PSD files
No because you stand very little if any chance of approval with just a home page.
Finish it first and submit the completed file.
You can always share a demo image in these forums for feedback if you are unsure
thank you for help
i’ll share a demo