The item was rejected

In the mail sent to me, it is stated that my item was rejected:

Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.

  • Unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again. Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.*

I have browsed the Help Center article and I understand the reasons why my item was rejected. But what does the sentence “ask for feedback from other authors” mean.


Hello @Gather_innovation

Authors are always welcome to share their work on the forums and ask for opinions from other authors in their niche.

Thankfully, there is an awesome community here on the Forums, and plenty of people that are willing to help others grow as a developer or artist.

Many authors managed to have their files approved using advice received on these forums. You are welcome to do the same :blush:


Hello @MrsEnabled thanks for your answer. In our product offered for sale, not only the installation file is available, but the installation documents are presented in detail. Is our product not accepted because there is no installation file (for example: We are curious about this.


Well I’m not sure about that, but as far as the guidelines go:

3. Create your Help File Documentation

  • Every item in CodeCanyon requires a basic documentation file to help customers use your item. This should include
    • Concise instructions on installation, customization and use
    • General instructions or further information
    • Details and links to assets used that you need to credit
  • The documentation should be written in English and formatted as a .pdf or HTML document.
  • You may create a screencast or flash instructions in addition to, but not instead of, text instructions. Please find details on how to upload video previews for the CSS category here.
  • You can download this documentation template.

Note: Do not assume that the buyer of your item has any significant level of coding knowledge. When preparing your documentation, treat the buyer like a beginner. Incorporate clear explanations and visuals when necessary.

You can read more about that here: Code Item Preparation & Technical Requirements – Envato Author Help Center

However, if you want to be sure, you can ask Envato Authors Help and Support.

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why can’t i resubmit the app after rejection?

Yes @MrsEnabled Thanks for your helpful answers.

I reviewed the products I had previously purchased from other vendors and sent them as a reference and also rearranging the product according to the instructions.
The must-have Product zip structure: for example
1- Documentation Folder
2- SQL Folder
3- Script Folder

So it should look like the screenshot below.


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Hello @_Gluttony

There are two types of rejection on Envato:

Soft reject - If your item got soft rejected it means that it CAN be resubmitted if the necessary changes are made. This usually happens for items that are on the right track but need some minor improvements.

Hard reject - this happens for items that are not ready to be sold on the market. It means that big changes are necessary to bring it to the quality standards required and small changes won’t do the trick. Therefore, if your item got hard rejected, you CAN NOT resubmit that item. But you can always create another one and submit it for review :blush:

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