my name is Thomas. I am an audiojungle exclusive author for over 10 years now. I have a rather small portfolio. I’ve never had that much sales (I missed the ukulele clap and coprporate hype) which is fine. I was always happy to sell some items from time to time. So I’ve never had the need to check out other platforms, until now…
I’ve recently got my first 2 hard rejects ever (I somehow understand why). For me as an exclusive author this is a great opportunity to check out other platforms. Here are some thoughts…
Compared to others the features and the technical side of AJ for authors is kind of stuck in the mid 2000s. Just to mention the first things I’ve directly noticed on other platforms:
- better sound quality (eg. 24Bit 48kHz)
- better way for adding and presenting edits like 30sec, 60sec
- automatic preview creation
- modern author backend
I know that this is all known. But why does envato still ignore these things in 2021?
Some thoughts on Recjections
I kind of understand why aj does way more rejections than in the early days. But I don’t understand why they seem to prefer a specific kind of musical style.
Ok, to be fair, I don’t know if they really do. But it feels like that the internal AJ policy is to approve items that fit in that standard stock music scheme. This aligns with what some of the video creators I know say about AJ (“cheesy, standard, sounds like stock music”). IMO with such a policy envato misses out some real opportunities, especially in the long tail.
I guess all this has been discussed many times before. But to me it feels like AJ is heading into a wrong direction and I think that authors should be aware of that. Instead of modernizing the platform and adding needed features, envato decided to go all in on promoting and selling underpriced items (sorry for that flame).
To be honest, I think that if envato will not invest in their platforms, authors and buyers will just go to other platforms. Easy as that.
To make things clear. This post is not meant to be a rant about envato. I still love their platform and I will keep selling my items here as an exclusive author. I only want that this is still true in 2030.
Ok, got longer than expected. Thanks for reading. I am looking forward to hear some of your opinions either on the feature and/or the rejection topic.