Slideshow Hard Rejected!! Simple or Visually not appealing?

Hello, people of the world!
Recently, I got hard reject on my Cinematic slideshow. Technically I don’t think there is any issue with the slideshow.
The review process took like 12 days which was insane and quite demotivating for me that after waiting for 12 days I got rejected.

Here is my Video link:
Kindly help me to make this slideshow better if it’s not up to the mark. Feedback appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank You,
Million Frames

Technically, there isn’t anything wrong with it, and it’s good. If you’d uploaded it a few years ago, it would have passed the review process with flying colours… might have even been a featured file.

But these days, there are just so many parallax slideshows that they can’t accept each and every one of them just because they are good and/or technically sound. These days they have to be different, unique and/or outstanding… which is difficult with such a crowded genre.

I mean, search parallax and you get 1800 results! You obviously know what you’re doing when it comes to AE, so it’s probably best to put your abilities into coming up with something more unique, which will no doubt get accepted.

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Thank you!
I appreciate it.

hello… i got hard reject at all my 12 days work in 1 min… how it possible??? i mean i got rejected all my uploads in 1 min … i don’t think all those items has quality problem or technically problem … i have approved more simple projects… and i dont understand how it possible to reject all my items … i w8ing 12 day and i god reject on item what i uploaded last night to… how??? and how i can see whats curator rejected my all items in 1 min i just need to ask him why?!!

You had twelve rejection emails in one minute… which doesn’t necessarily mean that all twelve items were reviewed in one minute. I don’t know the review process, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my endless quest for maximum efficiency… it’s that you’ll usually save a lot of time if you bundle multiple lots of the same task together. Take my exciting example:

If you’re making 12 cups of coffee, what’s more efficient… add coffee, then sugar, then water and then milk to one cup; and then coffee, then sugar, then water and then milk to the next cup… and so on and so forth? Or add coffee to all 12 cups, then add sugar to all 12 cups, then… etc etc? I mean, that’s the way I’d make multiple drinks… and the way I have made multiple drinks. The milk is the rejection email, just to clarify!

So as I say, getting 12 rejection emails in one minute just means you got 12 rejection emails in one minute… for all we know, they may have spent one minute, one hour, or even one day reviewing your items. There’s no way to tell.