I promise you, just about every one of us gets into musical ruts. This can be one of the most depressing, confusing and challenging times. But you will overcome it.
Personally, I find these ruts are more than likely caused by one thing:
COMPARING what you are creating to what others are creating.
This is MUSIC. There is NO right answer. There is NO better or worse. There is ONLY your expression.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been producing 2 days or 15 years. What you create, NOBODY else will. Embrace this fact.
What you do is special. It is unique, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.
Forget money.
Forget mixing.
Forgot genre.
Forget instrumentation.
Forget the “rules.”
Remember yourself.
It is not your responsibility to judge what you make. It it your responsibility to create.
Just allow it to exist and let other people care about if it’s good or not.
Here’s my suggestion:
Stop listening to what you “think” you should listen to.
Or what you think you like.
Or what you think you want to sound like.
Stop consciously studying and comparing and hearing how you might improve. (AKA hearing all the things you’re doing “wrong.”)
Stop trying so hard - stop putting the music on a pedestal.
Obviously we all want to get better or become inspired from our favorite musicians, but not when it overtakes us.
Let yourself naturally flow for a little while. See what you naturally gravitate towards. Take as much time as you need. Maybe it’ll be a week. Maybe 2 months.
Start creating again when you feel it. And I promise you, you will feel it.
But you must allow yourself to get out of this judgmental state and get back into why you started doing this in the first place…
…Because it feels damn good to make music.
It’s all part of the journey. You got this.