Search and other terms


I hope this post go to the right place, at least in the end when it has gone into all departed which are not related to this posts nor it’s content. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

I am a customer at Envato (Themeforest, Codecanyon etc.) and for a long time few things has been bugging me related to search, and the filter for the search engine, as well for one option that need to be added.

  1. The Search and it’s results are quite not good enough, as you can try it out your self when you search for WHM it’s gives me 4 items to look for, and the day before I came a cross an item that I was interested in, but I remember it had WHM in the title, but that item did not show up in the results, I had to Google it and add into the search field to isolate it, but when you search for the word WHMLab then it popups in the results if I type the full name into the search bar inside CC. You should be able to search for WHM and get all results inside the Title or the description behind that item cause sometimes if you are looking for Headless items, Reactjs, Node,js etc which is not in the “Tags” of the product but are in the description of the product I will not get those item into results by searching it. Another one “Survey” I have search for that so often but never got all results cause there is another project that has the name “SurvLab” which does not appear in the search results of “Survey”

  2. When new products comes available, they are interested, catch my eye for a moment but by looking at the product that I am interested in I am not ready to buy it on that early stage cause it’s the first release, but I can add it to Favorites, but that list is getting quite big day bay day it would be great to have a similar option as favorite which allows me to watch/monitor that product cause if it get’s updated I would like to know it by notification via email or alternative way and see the updates when they arrive because I have a lot of products inside my Favorites which has not been updated by the developer that I have to remove now manually and on top of that I have to open each product page to see if the product was recently updated before I decide to keep it or remove it.

  3. Related to number 2, it would be really great for customers point of view to allow us to click on a sorting button where you can already have now “Best match” “Best sellers” etc… button called “Recently updated” and sort it newest first/latest first.

  4. That iFrame window of the live preview was such a backlash by removing the X when looking into items, for example Apps which have the live preview link to Google Play or App Store many companies do not allow iFrames on their websites, the customer which get a blank page if he does not know how the “Inspect Element” work, and if the developer has not made an button “Open demo in new tab” and target it with a _blank it’s get boring, the first experience will be like “Ohh broken demo, I am not going to buy it.” and starts to look for alternatives, and not to mention the functionality that does not work when you test websites inside an iFrame there is a bunch of list that does not work inside an iframe unless the developer which made the code made a support of that, the person which made that decision taking the X out to remove that iframe is only thinking this from the interest for “Envato” perspective but not the customers.

All those list appeared here here above need to be implemented in the Envato team and fixed, and each of them will make it better platform, better way to find and access items inside the system for customers, better access for developers to customers, and will return more customers that will buy those items which they have maybe already been searching for long time, waited for the right update for long time without an success sale for the developer or success finds for the pre- customers.

I am a loyal customer of many developers at Codecanyon / ThemeForest etc and already purchased today 376 products and still counting, that only should tell the Envato team what value I have to the platform, and how I would like to use the system and I am sure that I speak for many if not for all customers that have some experience at the Envato Market Places.

– Have a wonderful day!