Envato sites - Themforest | Codecanyon search & sort by filter items not working properly


Today here i notify that the entire product search and sort by filter is not working well.

Issue i noticed at :- 22-02-2017 02:00 PM IST

My sell goes down dramatically due to this issue.

What exactly the issue are :-

When ever i click on HTML -> Admin templates category like below image


i got this result - As a Best sellers item always.


If i change sort filter to Newest items - It still shows only best seller item.

This issue is on every Themeforest | Codecanyon categories.

If you found this issue on your end please comment here down.

I found that issue is now resolved at :- 22-02-2017 6:50 PM IST

I find this is not resolved. The search feature seems to be down across the board. Any ideas when it will be up again?


It is resolved in our region already. Please contact envato support for more info.