Sales Reversals a Nightmare

I am getting too much Sales Reversals on my sales. Till now I have got 4 sales and out of them I have got 3 sales reversal Which is really suspecious and now it’s demotivating me too. I got 75% sales reversal (3/4 sales) which is not at all expected. I also had a talk with some authors they also said that it’s something suspecious and I should report it to Envato team hence I wrote a support ticket too. I hope they won’t make me disappointed.

@ki-themes 75% Sale Reversals are a huge number and I don’t think anyone had this big percentage of sale reversal

Check the links. Some of the authors got 10 reversals in a week

@ki-themes I can also bear more than 10+ sale reversal in a week but I can’t bear 75% of sales reversal

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@ki-themes I already read that, and I also had chat about it with the author Code Revolution and he also said it’s too much suspecious

[UPDATE] Again got 1 sale today and it also got reversed and now it’s 4/5 sales reversal and 80% sale reversal

Hi authors,

No one can't do anything about this issue here just one thing i can confirm that after reversal your purchaser can't download your item anymore.

  • What is a sales reversal?

A sales reversal occurs when a purchase is reversed by the payment provider (eg. payment gateway or bank) through either a credit card or Paypal account. Reversals are enforced by the payment provider and actioned in accordance with their policies. As an author, your statement will be updated to reflect the reversed transaction.

A sales reversal is not a refund. A refund can only be processed by Envato, according to our refund policies.

  • Why has a sales reversal occurred?

There are a variety of different reasons a reversal may occur, but two broad groups are:

  1. The transaction was disputed by the payment gateway (e.g. Paypal or credit card). This could happen due to a few reasons, such as the payment gateway’s customer reported the transaction as fraudulent.
  2. The transaction was disputed by the customer with their payment issuer because they feel they did not receive what they paid for in some way.

We have an active anti-fraud team and systems in place to manage customers with unknown transactions.

More information about a sales reversal can be found via your statement. Locate the sales reversal in the statement line and hover over the ‘Information’ tooltip on the far right-hand column to display the related purchase code.

  • What happens when a sales reversal occurs?

When a reversal occurs, Envato will:

  • Immediately disable the Envato account from which the purchase was made;
  • Remove the item from the customer’s Downloads page;
  • Invalidate the purchase code for the item.

Envato takes privacy and security seriously while adhering to industry standards and practices.

Sales Reversals are a part of running any sort of business online, but Envato is active and diligent in both monitoring and combating reversals to ensure they are minimized.

@unlockdesign The main thing is that the last 2 sales reversal happened just within 10 minutes of the sale and why am I only getting so many sales reversal. All my sales are getting reversed why? There might be some other issue too

This one happen to everyone. There are some fraudster trying to achieve the item without payment. They already know the bypass the system and chargeback system. Current month 10+ reversal happen with me too. No one helping & No one care about this. So relax and move forward. All the best. :innocent:

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Read my post why and how happen reversal !!
Still any query get in touch with envato market author help center they would like to assist you.

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I think that Envato should make it difficult to register people, link them with a telephone number and a document according to each country, maybe this way, it would reduce the registration of people with bad faith. I’m having a lot of chargebacks lately! :slight_smile: