Sale Reversals on GraphicRiver

Attention! Works purchased in large numbers and make a Sale Reversal. Please respond, who had faced the similar situation?
What about a removing Sale Reversal on graphicriver or revision of rules of a return! Friends, what do you think about?

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You can’t remove sales reversals unfortunately. They’re part and parcel of accepting payment options that have that facility, namely credit cards and Paypal.

Today I got a reversal, too. It would be nice if Envato checked these fake accounts

Checked them for what?

Why to buy 10 flyers if sales don’t take place? They unscrew works and resell.

If some of buyers everytime buy items and then reverse them (100 purchases --> 100 reversals) it says about fake account. As I know Envato banned some accounts

100pro! I completely agree with you

@MonkeyBOX, I’ve edited your title and first post, talking about such things on the forums only brings more attention to something everyone’s already fighting against! :slight_smile:

Absolutely… all accounts get suspended if there’s a reversal, no checking required. Not sure what they can check prior to the reversal though, to avoid them from happening.