I can not download a slider from there template shop and have a license.
Hey @pasko,
Sounds like you’re having some trouble. Could you share a bit more information with us?
What’s the particular slider you’re trying to download? Which template shop are you referring to?
Let us know and we might be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks for your prompt reply!
I have "The7 Revolution Slider” and “Revolution Slider” license and can not download any remade sliders from the Slider Template Library, free or premium, to my Wordpress.
It’s a bundled plugin then you won’t be able to as the license belongs to the developer and not the buyer https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/213762463-Bundled-Plugins
I have both, the bundle plugin and the one purchased on Envato
Hi pasko,
please contact our support staff at https://themepunch.support or help@themepunch.support . Our team of experts will have a look at your installation asap! Thanks!
Cheers, Dirk @ ThemePunch