Purchase code for Slider Revolution

I’m trying to use the free templates in Slider Revolution. The plugin came bundled with Thememaker, a wordpress theme. But when I try to use a template, all I get is a popup that demands a purchase code. Support tells me that I don’t need to use the code, but I can’t use the templates without it. They act like they don’t understand my tickets when I ask for support on this. How can I use the templates? If I need the purchase code, how do I get it?

This answer is irrelevant: You don’t get purchase codes for plugins that are bundled with themes https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/213762463-Bundled-Plugins . It is not ccomplete information on how to handle this very real problem.

This will help you.

I don’t understand why this will help. I don’t need a license, just a purchase code. This says Free Slider Exchange but you have to buy a license? I thought I could get one on Envato Exchange?

You don’t need to buy it.

There is a download button there. After you download the slider demo, you can import it in your slider which comes as bundled with Thememaker

And purchase code you will get only if you buy the plugin (license). But for free templates (not free premium templates) you don’t need the purchase code - only you need to import sliders template manually form link above - you can’t get access directly from Slider Revolution plugin (your dashboard).

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Hi Support,
How can I get the updated version, it does not allow me to upgrade my version whereas some free template required the fresh version.

Waiting for your reply…

I am using Electro theme

If it was bundled with a theme then you need to download the latest version of the theme (assuming the author has updated the plugin there)

Hi Charlie, I have downloaded the latest version of the theme but same.
The issue is that all Add-on are locked waiting for to be registered.
I wrote to the support team in expecting their feedback on that

Any bundled plugin will work as required without registration.

The register message may be there but can be disregarded.

There will be some restrictions such as accessing the entire slider demos etc but the slider itself will still work

I am pretty sure that the Add-ons in Slider Revolution are available only if you have a copy (license) of Revolution Slider and you activate that plugin. If the slider is bundled with a theme - you can not use these addons.


I think you are right - sorry didn’t read the full thread.

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