Slider Revolution 6.1.3 Purchase Key

There is a new Slider Revolution Plugin Update and it requieres me to enter the purchase code (for the plugin, not the theme) to use the full version. Does it not come with the X theme? So far I never had problems using the full premium version. X Theme purchase code does not work.

plz help

I’m using Theme X 7.0.4
Wordpress 5.2.4


Follow this link for your purchase key


Hi @ChristianDestroy,

Thanks for using Slider Revolution. Unfortunately, you can’t activate a bundled plugin using the theme purchase code. If you want to update the plugin, you will have to wait for the theme author to include the latest version in their theme. With the latest plugin .zip file you can then do a manual update.

If you need automatic updates in the backend, you can purchase a plugin license from us here . The license key you receive will allow you to activate the plugin backend and will unlock the automatic update feature for you. Also, as a premium member, you’ll receive the benefits listed here

We hope that this clears things up a bit! If you’ve further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our email at



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So the plugin asking me this (still, see pics) is normal and I schould ask the Theme X guys what’s up? Is that correct?



I’ll be happy to clear this for you.

Theme Bundled plugins do not have their own licenses. This means they cannot be activated mean registered for updates. So you can safely ignore any plugin activation/registration messages.

All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.

If you really want to auto update features by one click then you have to purchase individual license for the plugin(s) and you have to registere/activated the license.
You can check this Help article:

Automatic updates and support directly from the plugin author is only for those who will purchase the plugin directly from the plugin author.
