Sup! Just wondering how you guys are handling logos for Retina displays?
At the moment I am creating a fixed sized logo ‘area’ that is 60px x 160px and then providing two PSD with the theme. One at 60px x 160px (Standard) the other at 120px x 320px (Retina), and using the background-size property to support retina.
I didn’t really want to set a limit on logo sizes, but it seems to support Retina, I have to.
Is there any site that compares the retina images and non retina ones? Something like screen photos. I don’t have any big retina display to test it myself, to see why it needs the trouble…
Its manly logos really. Though my image replacement scripts does server Retina images
Example: (None-Retina // Soon to be updated)
Example: (Retina)
If you view both on iPhone 4, iPad 3, you can see the difference in the logos.
wickedpixel said
Is there any site that compares the retina images and non retina ones? Something like screen photos. I don’t have any big retina display to test it myself, to see why it needs the trouble…
It needs the trouble because all images(not only logos) look just a little bit blurred on retina displays. Of course this depends … i’m not troubling myself with this just yet anyway
To see the difference simply take your compressed jpg logo, double the size, save it, then open it again and change it’s size back to the original one. That’s how (not that bad though) all images look on the third iPad.
Hm, if it’s only logos… I think can be used only a single image(no css bg), the big version, scaled to fit the logo container… I think that will look good on both devices and there is no need for fancy css queries…
* I just saw those sites with a small retina screen and there is a difference.
I had the same idea, but then, the issue is serving a logo twice to the size to know Retina users.
Damn Apple with its shiny shiny things! Thanks for the comments btw folks, interesting discussion!
DryThemes said
I didn’t try this yet, but I’ll certainly will. If you guys have any tips, please post here
Javascript … detect a different ppi and if that’s the case, change the images. If they are embedded, a _x2 suffix would suffice, or if they are inside css, you might want to change the classes which contain them(background images).
I haven’t tried this yet, but it’s how some do it…
What’s wrong in using vectors? There’s SVG around.
My upcoming WP pluign supports Retina displays. I mainly had to iclude 2 sizes of all images and a little bit of CSS. The menu icon was a little bit tricky though.
To target Retina displays with CSS I use
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 32),
only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
//your CSS here
Detecting Retina with JS:
var isRetina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1;
revaxarts said
My upcoming WP pluign supports Retina displays. I mainly had to iclude 2 sizes of all images and a little bit of CSS. The menu icon was a little bit tricky though.
To target Retina displays with CSS I use
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
//your CSS here
Detecting Retina with JS:
var isRetina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1;
Just little typo fixed up above from 32 to 3/2 for opera targeting.
It’s nice to give your users an option to upload a ‘retina’ logo. You don’t really need to use a fixed area though, just a fixed height or width should work.
RubenBristian said
flashedge said
What’s wrong in using vectors? There’s SVG around.
Is SVG widely supported?
Very supported - just not IE 8 and below really.
Seems like SVG is the best option. Because then the logo would be future-proof from the next retina upgrade we have to deal with. Plus SVG has been adopted by HTML5 so it isn’t going anywhere.