Hello! I’m trying to upload my first PSD template, and PSD is good, but I got reject with the following description:
PREVIEW IMAGE: Your preview image needs to be updated. Please make sure it is a JPEG, exactly 590px wide x 300px tall.
Link to ZIP with my preview images (I upload it as “Theme Preview” ZIP) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3ayGfE3KNAyYnVFS0l6c0NSUk0
What should I do? May be I should reduce all my images to 590x300 or what Envato means?
June 13, 2016, 3:55am
hi lol well if so the whole o other authors would have all their items rejected as well lol is your reviewer new to reviewing? lol
Do you think is a mistake of my reviewer? Because maybe he wants JPEG instead of JPG
June 13, 2016, 7:56am
hard to tell indeed , but this looks strange for sure …because we ALL have previews over 300 px high lol
Its look like its computer generated error (somehow) computer unable to read the image size, you have to resend using with different kind of jpg format! or read at the “INFO” you could find on the “UPLOAD” page!
Try to use “Standard” or “Progressive” while exporting JPG
Screenshot http://prntscr.com/bg16k2
For me on codecanyon I only upload PNG and its work for me!
I don’t know about graphicsriver or themeforest.