I have been in envato as a buyer for several years and lately with elements too.
I think I understood most of the licensing part with elements. But still there are gaps, I believe.
while still under subscription -
Say, I download a file (infographics) with license for a project. And realize it didn’t work the way I wanted. I set aside and go for the next try. In this case, by chance, I revert to the file and use it for another project (forgetting after, say, several months), then what happens to the license conflict? Should I delete the file in the first place and keep my mental memory safe?
Is it possible to download a product for use in multiple projects with single download? It is quite exasperating to download individually of a one product for different projects.
Sometimes, over a period of time, I decide to remove the product that i downloaded for a project. Or switch its use to another project, since I had the file already downloaded. How can I keep these tallied up? Mind boggling.
Any help is much appreciated.