Question from a new designer


So i submitted a few logo templates. They’ve been on Queued for review for few days now.
Today i noticed that 1 design isn’t there anymore. Can’t find it anywhere. is it rejected? is it accepted? so i’d be very happy if someone can give me a quick tutorial of the basic things in here


you can check your submited Item in dashboard right sidebar. If not here then please check in “Hidden Item” Tab. If you not found there also then please check your email you should to receive email about the review result from the reviewer.

you can check these articles:

and all about GraphicRiver Requirements

Today i noticed that 1 design isn’t there anymore you can check your hidden item there if your item soft rejected then you will find there. If your item hard rejected then check your mail reviewer team send you a rejection mail. If your item is soft rejected you will received mail also.

And @mgscoder suggest you quality guideline & requirements.


hi basically if u do not see in the queue u can consider the thing was hard rejected …and pobably in the spam folder o your mail box