Hello, Dear Colleagues)
Could You please tell me, what methods of promoting Your music you’ve ever used or use like “SoundCloud” etc. If it’s not a secret) Thanks in advance!)
looks like it’s a secret…)
I think the best promoting is to write and upload new music more and more!
Thanks a lot)
I created my own website and make a Youtube channel to make a branding for my own music. Still small channel though, but at least that brought me some sales monthly
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I created a Linkedin proflie and I have a lot of contacts from production and audiovisual companies. I write uptdates everyday… the same with facebook and twitter.
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Cool) Thank You) GLWS)
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Maybe it sounds too trivial but still… Best Promotion = Best Item Quality.
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Hi @AndyRos - you might be interested in this article on using Soundcloud as an AJ author
Thanks a lot)
Shure) thank You)