Profactions Photoshop Actions Do Not work

I followed the instructions for this product:

And when running the actions it throws errors the entire time. Very disappointed.


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Hi Heather! That doesn’t sound good - I know that we’ve just wrapped a contest where several hundred people were using one of Profactions’ Photoshop actions, and we haven’t seen any issues reported with the files.

@profactions is active on these forums, and may be able to give some troubleshooting tips - I know there are a few common issues to watch out for when first using a new action. Once everything is set up properly, they’re very easy to use.

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Hi, @hrichman! Thank you for message. Don’t worry, the action is absolutely correct and works perfectly with all Photoshop versions since CS3 upto newest CC2017 and CC2018. There are several possible reasons error:

  1. Please note: the action has two action modes (please see your Action panel) for different PS versions. You must use second version if your PS is CC2017 or CC2018

  2. Please check you have installed the action brushes and patterns. If not, please drug Brushes and Patterns files to your PS and try again.

  3. Please check your new (not Background copy) layer name. It must be “profactions” (not “Profactions” or “Brush”)

Also, you can send me your PSD (and/or Photoshop screen when the action stopped at first) to, so I can test your project.

Everyday Perfectum2 buys a lot of people. But a very few people of them face any little problems. And we solve these customer’s questions in 100% of cases. Thank you for your time!

Also, thank you @BenLeong for additional comment.


Thanks for your response. I actually found the issue on another site. I hadn’t named the layer correctly or your #3 point above. Once I fixed that it was smooth sailing. There are a lot of ppl having problems such as just knowing to name the layer correctly. The tutorial video – some items like that are hard to see. Suggest that steps to run the action be included in the Help text file. Anyway thanks for the followup!


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Hi, @hrichman!

Thank you very much for feedback! All instructions and steps you can find in Helper.txt file in action archive. And bee free to contact me with any questions (

I also followed your setup instructions VERY carefully after watching your videos and reading the included readme.txt and I keep getting the command “select” is not currently available" or “motion blur” is not currently available and several other steps in the action.

Naming the layers correctly does not seem to matter at all. Have you come up with a fix for this common problem? As I see several mentions of it, even on your Facebook page.

I am using CC 2018 and as I read other complaints about your actions not working (and there are very many) I saw that CC 2018 came up a lot. Are you sure it’s completely compatible. I have installed and reinstalled all of your helper files, as per your instructions, made sure I have named layers correctly and your actions throw nothing but errors. Getting very frustrated here.

Tengo el mismo problema, seguí las instrucciones y me sale: The command “Desaturate” is not currently available. Tengo el Photoshop CC 2018.

It is not working with PS 19.1.5, always get the ommand “select” is not currently available" or “motion blur” is not currently available and several other steps in the action. I follow excactly the instructions. Wish I had read all these comments before I purchased.

Apparently, there are a lot more people than just me having this somewhat annoying problem. I want to believe the developers of this PS Action have not gotten their acts right.

It appears all their PS Actions are affected by this same problem.

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Hi everyone, just purchased this action today, and I’m having the same issues as some on the forum.
I’m currently using CC2021 (and I do see that I’m clicking on the correct action)
I’m getting the prompt “The command “select” is not currently available” - asking to stop or continue.

I’ve watched a few tutorials from Profactions, as well as others to see what I’m doing wrong. So now I’m searching for help and came across this…
Please advise & thank you in advance.


The command “select” is not currently available is no error in action and similar but a message that the action cannot be play a certain step for some reason (actions are recorded steps in photoshop)… always see what steps you need to take before running the action and make sure all files from action are installed in photoshop.

In most cases issue is wrong name of the layer (when you need to isolate an object) so read the instructions on which name to write paying attention to the spacing, lowercase and uppercase letters and the language of photoshop.
Another common issue is Background layer, in most actions he must be set to Layer/New/Background from Layer or simply drag and drop image in photoshop.

In the end you can still contact the author for help via his profile page.

I have installed the action and it starts but halfway through is gives me an error

I have done the action for Photoshop 2022 and made sure it is 8 bit RGB and named the layer correctly. Do you have any advice?

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No actions work in the latest Photoshop 2022… BROKEN!

Please delete this post. Thanks.

The same problem, select tool is not available… Can some person in the envato tech department provide a real solution for that? It’s so frustrating, No action works…

Here t is not a problem in any tool, you get this message because your photoshop can’t find layer “Levels 1”… check first if action requires english language and as far as I can see you don’t have it photo already white background and it is normal for to receive messages like this…
First look at how the action is started, background layer, layer names and similar and most important is language.

ELEMENTUM action doeswnt work.
Added new layer and called it “mask”
Mask layer selected, hard brush area, play action and I get…
The command “select” is not currently avaliable

Actions, Playback options, Step by step.
Slow but works.

said nothing, error keeps

Hi, im using Draftum in PS22 and PS25 and it hangs after create the sketch, before coloring. PS keep thinking until i cancel teh plugin with “esc”