please, help

hello envato refused me and deleted the project in general. For no reason, they just said it doesn’t fit and you can’t send it back! How do I know what the problem is then?

Hi! If you want to get feedback from other authors, you need to show preview of your rejected item

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Findy Browser” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:

Visit our forums and ask fellow authors for feedback. Our helpful community will be glad to lend a hand.

Check out this Help Center article to understand why and how items get rejected.

Remember you can get help in the form of tutorials on Envato Tuts+.

We hope to see a new submission from you soon!

All the best!

Envato Quality team

Still have questions? Contact our Help Center.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

When I buy a subscription, I can download videos and music. youtube

Help please

For a hard rejected item, there is no specific “problem”. Rather, the reviewer didn’t like your app’s concept, or didn’t think it was a good fit for the marketplace. That is unfortunately how things work over here – only a small portion of submissions get approved.

I’m an Android user so I can’t see your app to offer any specific advice (I’m also not a mobile developer so I’m not sure I would be qualified to provide any), but it’s best to move on and try again with a new app idea.