I withdraw my money 2-3 weeks ago. After then i has been some troubleshootings with skrill. and my skrill is closed accidentally! In 15 february my mones will translated to my closed skrill account.
Weeks ago i wrote message to envato for cancel my withdrawals. I post it in there. I messaged to envato’s facebook , twitter accounts but no one is interested!
Maybe because i am from 3rd world countries!? Maybe because Azerbaijan started petition to America!?
I don’t know what is happening! I have now work last three month and i work only for Videohive!
in every sale i give you author fees dear Envato community and there are have no support!
please solve this problem
You did submit a ticket to support via here? https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Yes! I submitted my ticked to there
It seems strange that you have not had a reply in “weeks” (up to a week maybe but not much longer).
Maybe check your email spam folder in case
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I checked my mail, spam and another folders , there are have not any support messages to me