Hello all,
are there any envato member got the problem to withdrawal from skrill this month (september 2015)…? it was 15 days and they still not transfer to my local bank.
Hello Supergaban,
Hello i also got the problem about withdrawal, yeah it’s been 15 days ago om and i still didnt receive my money on my bank account
how about anyone else…?
or it just happen to me and you bro subagja…?
really frustrating
Probably a good idea to contact Envato regarding the issue. I know I certainly wood.
We unfortunately don’t often use Skrill but when we have there have been no issues.
All the best and good luck getting that sorted out!
Thank you, i’ll try to contact envato regarding this issue.
i was doing some searching but clueless, can we contact envato per-email.? anyone know how…?
i had make phone call to skrill CS and eagerly my complaint get a respons.
then they send me email
**Your recent withdrawal of **** USD amount with TRN ID ***** has been returned because the bank details you provided were incorrect. We have deposited the amount back to your Skrill account with TRN ID ****.
Before making future withdrawal requests, please check the bank details provided in the ‘Profile’ section of your online account. You can remove them and enter the correct details in this section
hahaha…this is kind of funny, coz i’ve been using this bank account for a long time. and they returning my credit (-) fees
so if i doing widrawal once more, i must pay for fees again (it’s not funny), well it much better rather then i lost my money.
I’d fight that. If there’s proof it’s the same and has not been changed, that is their error, not yours.
Fees should be covered by them. From that reply, I find it an excuse and would personally be upset.
HOWEVER, great to hear you were able to track down your money, much better than loosing it! Good luck!