Hi all,
Has anybody been using Payoneer for personal projects outside of Envato?
- I’m asking because I did that for the first time last week and it’s a real pain in the neck.
Not only does it take 2 workdays to get payment approved, also my customer has two fax documents scan credit cards, e-mail IDsthis etc just to be able to pay me.
This is a complete turnoff, this will lose me more customers then it will gain me.
Is this always the case? If so, then Payoneer is not really an option to me and I have to go back to PayPal.
Also, is there no way I can send a Payoneer bill? where basically people can click and everything is already pre-populated for them so they just need to leave their credit card details and load my card?
Thirdly, I was sure that I have purchased goods/services paying through Payoneer ( I think it was a Magento plug-in ) and I’m sure I was redirected to a payment page, or got an e-mail with a link to a payment page (can’t remember exactly), and there I simply left a credit card data and paid.
I never had to send in any scans of my credit card faxes with my photo ID etc - I just paid.
The above doesn’t make my life or my customers lives easier, it makes it more difficult. I’m wondering if I’m missing something, surely that can’t be their business model?
Thanks for any tips 
Hi Chris. Thanks for posting.
The main purpose of Payoneer is to receive payments from partners of ours (companies/sites that pay with Payoneer, such as Envato), or via our US Payment Service. We currently do not offer payment processing services.
What you refer to above is called our Private Load Service, which allows you to receive payments to your card via Visa, MasterCard, JCB and Discover. This service is only available to Payoneer cardholders that are active in receiving payments via either of the methods I listed above.
As a fully regulated US company, we’re required to follow strict regulations when processing private loads. When a load is made, it may take us up to 1 business day to review and approve it. It is then funded within 2 business days of approval. In some cases, we may require additional verification from the loader (such as ID and confirmation of the method of payment). Once a loader has provided this information once, it will not be requested from them again.
As I mentioned, this is not intended to be a payment processing service, and so there is no way to integrate it as a checkout method on a site. You can provide a direct link with your e-mail already filled in, but the loader will still need to enter the payment details themselves. For example: https://load.payoneer.com/LoadToPage.aspx?email=test@domain.com (and you fill in your e-mail).
On a side note, the US Payment Service I mentioned allows you to receive US direct deposit payments to your card from select companies, such as PayPal, Skrill, and more (full list at http://www.payoneer.com/USPService.aspx). The way it works is that we provide you with a US account/routing number associated to your card, and all payments sent to that US payment service number are automatically loaded to your card. I’d be more than happy to answer any questions regarding that service.
Nissim | Payoneer Community Manager | payoneer.com
Many thanks for the clarification Nissim! That makes sense, I was under the mistaken impression that Payoneer also offered Credit card processing … that’s why I was surprised how cumbersome the process was.
Do I understand correctly that with the USPS service I can transfer funds from my PayPal account to my Payoneer card via a routing number?
That would actually help a lot!
chrisatlemon said
Many thanks for the clarification Nissim! That makes sense, I was under the mistaken impression that Payoneer also offered Credit card processing … that’s why I was surprised how cumbersome the process was.
Sorry about that!
chrisatlemon said
Do I understand correctly that with the USPS service I can transfer funds from my PayPal account to my Payoneer card via a routing number?
That would actually help a lot!
Yes, if you have a valid PayPal account with the option to withdraw funds to a US bank, you can use our US Payment Service to withdraw funds from PayPal to your card (via US direct deposit). If you’d like to e-mail me at nissimal@payoneer.com, I’d be happy to send you further details.
Hi Nissim,
thanks for that, and thanks for your support.
Not an option for me then because I’m not a US resident. My PayPal withdrawal goes to a European bank.
I’d be happy to set up a virtual US bank account just for the purpose of transferring money from PayPal to Payoneer, but I assume that it is not that easy for obvious fiscal regulations 
Thanks again
You don’t need to be a US resident. PayPal allows many non-US accounts to withdraw to a US bank account. You can view the withdrawal options per country here: https://www.paypal.com/c2/cgi-bin/marketingweb?cmd=_display-country-functionality-outside
Hi Nissim - but I would need a US bank account first! Since I am in Europe this may prove difficult?
The US Payment Service provides you with all the information you need to add this account to your PayPal. It’s not an actual bank account, but rather a payment solution which allows you to receive US bank transfers (ACH) from select companies. So once you’re approved for the service, we send you the information you need to add it to your PayPal.
Right! I will sign up and see how it goes - sounds like this has been thought through 
Many thanks again for your effort and the support!
chrisatlemon said
Right! I will sign up and see how it goes - sounds like this has been thought through 
Many thanks again for your effort and the support!
Happy to help. If you contact me once you apply (just send me an e-mail), I’ll do my best to speed things along.