New here help

hello guys, I’m new here. I want to buy some stuff but I don’t see live chat, phone or even email to contact someone for direct questions. I can do that here if someone can help me. I want to buy something and when I pay for it, can I download it right away?..also for the monthly $29… Can I sign up for one month pay the $29 and download several files then cancel buy just paying one time fee of 29 and no other fees?.. Some answers and help is appreciated. Thank you.

  • there is not buying support like live chat etc.

  • Item specific queries should be asked to then author not envato

  • yes you download as soon as you buy an item

just to be VERY clear on the subscription route;

  1. envato elements (subscription not individual purchase) offers ONLY a selection of items and NOT the entire marketplace items.

  2. the monthly subscription does NOT include WordPress themes or plugins. You would need to sign up for a year to get these

  3. support and updates are not included in elements items as they are with individual item purchases

  4. stockpiling items is not allowed. You can only use an envato elements item while you are subscribed. I.e. anything you download on month 1 must be used in a project that is completed in month 1 unless you continue your subscription.