Hello everyone,
I am a designer and needs some suggestions about designing a template , which category should I select to design so I make good sale.
Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone,
I am a designer and needs some suggestions about designing a template , which category should I select to design so I make good sale.
Thank you in advance.
Welcome to Envato Market.
You can browse Best Sellers Items and Trending Items to know which Items are currently most demandable in this market. Most important thing we have to submit best quality product with very clean design and concept.
Here Themeforest all categories you can take a look
Study/Research themeforest market for good sell.
Thank you for suggesting… But I want some suggestions me not able to select from from best sellers, need unique suggestions
Hi, which category you will select it totally depends on you. Just I would like to say you should to select those category you feel comfortable, you have most experience, you know better UI. In short you have to go with your prefered category but for more design inspiration you have to study on this market Trending Items. Hope this will help you to set your milestone and solve your query. Thanks
Impressive thank you,
Would you like to send me those links of market trending items, I want to study.
search any category and select this
It’s so simple. Just search with any keyword and then Filter with Trending Items from the dropdown. Thanks