Please download the zip file from
Can you please tell me is this two ai files are ready for upload or not? If not what changes are required?
I have made it by CS6. Which format should I save it for ai and eps?
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As you want version save but later when you upload card business choose version ai and eps save (below image)
Thanks JeriTeam for your reply. Which checkboxes should be ticked for ai and eps?
What version you are using now? CS or CS6?
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cs6 (ai and eps) but I am using illustrator cc 2018
When I upload the files at graphiriver. Should I choose/select minimum adobe version CS or CS6? If I saved it as CS from CS6? I am using now CS6.
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If you illustrator cs6 than save select cs6 ai and eps and upload card business select version illustrator cs6 approved sell, good luck.