Need for opinion about rejected item

Hello everyone! Just have got my item rejected. “This item does not meet the general commercial quality standard required to be accepted on AudioJungle”.
I know you guys who are “members of the club” are smarter then me. :slight_smile: Does anyone have a clue what is wrong with this composition? I will appreciate any help.

BR Andrey

I love your track! seriously sounds very cool! :slight_smile:
well… causes of rejection… :scream: It seems a very personal work rather than something you can use as a background… but it’s all about opinions. I think you have very good skills composing,
Congrats… and good luck for future approvals!

Hey :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t3:

I think that the arrangement is a little bit poor and not so interesting matching nowdays standarts.

Try to listen top tracks here on AJ, especially in your favorite styles. Try to achieve that quality and sound. Your music must meet the profession standarts and have commercial value for video projects. Also I can recommend to learn on YouTube tutorials, courses more and keep going to write music. Write the music you would buy for yourself.
The quality of tracks on AJ is improving day by day so you have to match this and permanently work hard and learn I believe.
I wish you will get it!

Cheers :call_me_hand:t3:

Thank you!
it was very encouraging

Thank you!

Hey mate, if you ask me I really enjoyed listening to this track, sounds great!
Maybe it’s not what audiojungle is actually looking for… simple as that.

Also, I noticed this was your first submission here in the jungle, so never get discouraged and keep trying :hugs:

Welcome to the community!

Hello @Sandmusic!

I like your track and think it is very creative.

I agree with @MusicLFiles about why it may have been rejected. It may be a little too busy to use as a background for a video. Perhaps a few too many variations in rhythms in different parts of the song.

This isn’t unappealing to listen to, but it doesn’t always work well as a background for a video. Reviewers are looking for songs that work well with video, and ideally, tracks that are versatile enough to complement a variety of visuals.

The best tracks that sell the most are complex enough to be interesting, but not so complex that they distract from the visual they’re supposed to support.

I also agree with @PrestoSound. It is a good idea to search AudioJungle for successful tracks in the styles that you like and are strong at creating. Listen critically to them and it will help you learn more about composing tracks for use with video.

The track you shared is a good one, so you have ability. You may just need to do some research to better focus on creating music for this purpose.

Good luck!

Hi promosapien and Thank you!
you are probably right. I have to restrain myself. )))

Thank you KajinDetier!
It nice to hear something positive along to rejection :wink:

Hi @Sandmusic. Yes, I think you’ve said it perfectly right there. I have to do the same thing when I’m working on something new. I have to remind myself what the music will be used for, and exercise restraint when making choices about what to add and what to leave out.