Need Advice for This Rejected Item ( PSD Resume Print Template)

Hello everyone I need some advice for this item, Envato Team has been reject my item.

  • PSD
  • Resume Template
  • For A4 paper size
  • print ready


My opinion is your content too close to the edges, you have to print terms (bleed,trims,safe area) What does the print term "bleed area" mean?
A little bigger font and a more modern design it would be fine, of course with follow to the print rules.

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thanks for your advice, so I must put more space for the margin (top, bottom, left and right) ? like this pic

Yes, you need to have some printing specifications. Here is a good explanation there are some basic things. There are more details that affect approval design, typography, align space and the layout in photoshop. You can always buy an one top selling item and see how it looks which of course does not mean that yours item will be approved.

thanks alot

hi, i think that comments related to spacings are true and that maybe this is a bit due to typo, which is much of an issue here … indeed, if u ask me , for the main body of the text, as regard to the font u used for the categories, u should try to select a condensed font indeed