Hello . I uploaded a site template in the themeforrest, but it has not been rejected or approved yet. I have not received any email too. please help me
How long ago did you submit it?
no age, 10 days ago. but there is no answer from themeforest team
Are you sure you didn’t get a reply and it just went into spam?
Have you checked your hidden items?
Yes, I’m sure. I did not receive any messages. I checked all the sections
If your item is not in hidden items and is not approved, that mean it is hard rejected.
Items go to “hidden items” when they are soft rejected.
So what should I do? Where do I find my problem?
You can share you live demo here and get some feedback from other authors.
i dont know how to live demo
You must submit a working demo hosted online of the item when you send it for review. Without that it wouldn’t get reviewed
Where or what site should I display my template
Wherever you want or have a hosting setup.
You can use free hosting but it’s very unadvisable as it almost certainly will create poor customer experience and an unreliable solution