My Marketshop OpenCart theme is sold 4 time in Last week. though, it does not show in best selling OpenCart Themes weekly page.
Here, I am Shocked. why this happened. Why does not show?
My theme: https://themeforest.net/item/marketshop-multipurpose-opencart-theme/6913803
Best Weekly page: https://themeforest.net/popular_item/by_category?category=ecommerce/opencart
Our statement screenshot:
Best selling weekly Page Screenshot.
bug? Same to GraphicRiver Top Weekly is also not updated and still shows the same item.
@KingDog or anyone can help?
The sales cycle will be counted on Australian time. So it’s possible you made a sale on what would be considered the start of a new week in Australia. Also, the cache is not updated immediately. So it’s possible your item may appear later.
Usually popular items will be updated on Monday at 12 pm 1pm Australian time, but now it’s Tuesday, 8am. I have 11 sales last week, still showing 8 sales from last 2 week.
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I am agree with @WarnaSlides. Currently 2:55 pm Tuesday, 7 May 2019 Australia time, though, still not display. also, My another item is display in weekly page. which is HTML template category. I think, there have any bug. one category is update & another one is not update. also, I have realized. Only my item is not display in Opencart best selling weekly page. another all author’s item are show according to last week sell. Hope, You will investigate this and resolve soon.
If you haven’t already, you may want to open a help ticket at Envato Help and Support.
If it is a bug or cache issue they will be able to assign it to the proper team.