What's going wrong with popular category ??

Hello friends,

I have just launched my new item [link removed by mod] on 27 March i.e on tuesday. I got 14 sales till 1 april i.e sunday. But my item is not showing in weekly popular category as i see there are items with 13 sales only. Whats wrong with my item? Why this partiality with my new item? I have worked so hard on it & i spent more than 5 months on it. Please can anyone tell whats going here. Partiality or technical issues (i.e occured only with my item) ?? Please help on this.


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Hi hevada,

It’s already been 2 days & still my item is not listed in popular category. Why this happened only with mine item ??


Hello @Theme_Wala,

Is this the list of popular items you’re looking at?

Those are not weekly best sellers.

The page title says itself:

2018’s Best Selling Professional Corporate HTML Website Templates - updated weekly

From what I saw, that list is made like this:
each Sunday night at 00:00 AEST, they calculate top 55 templates in that category that had the highest number of sales for the entire 2018 until then (so for the entire year)

Then, the sales number listed there - is the number of the sales for these templates made in the last week.

And as a side note, as a themeforest buyer myself, I can guarantee that buyers do not buy a teme/template only because it’s in that list :slight_smile:

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Hi @hevada

I got 14 sales last week but my item is still not in weekly top templates, but templates with 12 sales are in that list. And yes you are right nobody will buy the template just because its position in that list, but it increases the number of visitors to your template/theme. I opened a ticket but nobody replied. Why ?


Hi @Theme_Wala, Envato Help will reply soon, you will have to be patient a bit.