This is my 2nd time try to upload flyer templates but all 2 templates has been rejected. Any one can you help to make this to will get approval?
Whats wrong with this template?
Here is they sais “Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Business Flyer” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”
Overall I like it. Its nicely organized with some customisation options that are clearly shown.
Maybe some parts are a little too simple though, especially the “About Us” section, where it’s just the title and a block of text on a neutral gray background. Maybe have a very subtle texture or image in the background to help make it more interesting. Also add the the small underline that’s under the title in all of the other sections.
The header is the most interesting part, mostly because of the photo, and the green overlay adds a bit of depth, which is missing from the rest of the flyer. Everything else is very flat, maybe try having an image under the other green part to help make it less flat. As for the actual photo that’s there, even though it’s just an example photo, be careful how you use it, right now the focus point of the image is right on the guy who looks like he’s either seen a ghost, or is staring into someone’s soul.
The preview is nicely done, but there is a few typos that should be fixed. Even if your first language isn’t English, it’s important that you have no typos and use it properly, otherwise it might come across as unprofessional, seeing as this is an English marketplace.
“Sizewith bleed” - Size with bleed
“Layers Organiced” - Organized Layers
“Strategyc” - Strategic
“Our work is professional to the propoerity of our clients” - (Don’t even know what you’re trying to say) “Propoerity” - Property
“5 colour variation” - 5 colour variations
I think the main problem with the flyer overall is that it’s too flat with not a lot to lead your eye to different sections. Though unfortunately with your item being hard rejected, you won’t be able to just simply make these changes and resubmit, you must instead make a new flyer and try to keep these things in mind when making it.
hi buddy, indeed texture is very often a good idea, this is proven and acknowledged that they are making people feel attracted more easily indeed , as well as this maybe a way for him to give his work a bit of an extra original touch (what is always welcome in very saturated markets where so many things have been created already …)
as for me i feel a bit the same about the header but as for me i would most importantly add that the real issue about it is that this is not this readable indeed … that the text is lacking contrast when this is a header and a main text and that people are expecting to pop out …
and i tend to believe that this would be a much better idea not to have one but two photos instead of having a split one where the partition is not really falling properly so to speak …
for misspellings and so on u are right all details matter and if this is added to an item that is already not perfect this may cause easier rejections indeed …
i also agree wbout the general style being a bit too flat or not outstanding enough and i think that an effort needs to be done when it comes to hierarchy of information and i would also add that i think that having so many color previews is far for being a greta idea as , every time someone does this , they end up using some colors that are not valuing the product …