My design was rejected in graphicriver

My design was rejected in graphicriver but it was approved in the Envato market :frowning:
whyy ?

please upload a image preview format .jpg because we can help you :slight_smile:

GraphicRiver rejected it, but it was approved on the Envato Market? That doesn’t sound right.

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What’s ‘Envato market’?

I am also confused, @Panjimen can you please share screenshot so we can check what is exactly issue?

And it’s been repeating over and over these last few months

If it’s your friends item on EE, then why are you trying to submit it in your account in GR?

This sounds like a great way to get yourself and yours account disabled or banned…

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Agree! :+1:t2:

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It wasn’t like that. So that my design, and I uploaded it first in my graphicriver account, and then rejected , and I suspected it would happen a couple of times, and then I tried to upload it to a friend’s account. And the design was accepted

That sounds unfortunate for you and perhaps it was just a different reviewer, but either way:

a) the standards are different for the two marketplaces and

b) now that item belongs to your friends account and you won’t be able to reapply it to yours

And it just so happens in every design that I uploaded in my graphicriver acount :frowning:

ohhh yaa yaa , (A) This answer helped me (B)yess agree