Greetings of the Day !!!
I upload my first project on CodeCanyon. My demo URL is not loading on CodeCanyon frame. Please help me to solve this issue.
Greetings of the Day !!!
I upload my first project on CodeCanyon. My demo URL is not loading on CodeCanyon frame. Please help me to solve this issue.
Hi @mnstechnologies,
This is because your demo URL is delivered with the X-Frame-Options
header value set to DENY
– this prevents the page from being loaded in the preview page iframe:
$ curl -sI https://lawoffice.mnstechnoweb.com/ | grep X-Frame-Options
X-Frame-Options: DENY
To get it working, you’ll need to remove that header from the response.
Further information about X-Frame-Options
can be found here:
Just putting this here for the sake of completion - if you want to avoid removing the X-Frame-Options
header, you can also whitelist CodeCanyon with Content-Security-Policy
Content-Security-Policy: frame-src https://preview.codecanyon.net/
For example with an Apache rule (.htaccess);
Header set Content-Security-Policy "frame-src https://preview.codecanyon.net/"
And to remove X-Frame-Options
with Apache, you can use:
Header unset X-Frame-Options
If you are not familiar with X-Frame-Options then contact your webhosting support and let them do this for you.