My codecanyon Add-on script is hard rejected in few seconds, like bots

Hello Authors,

I need help in approving my script.

Envato rejects my script in few seconds, I feel link there are bots which auto rejects any previously rejected Items.

How can we approve that Items, if they do not check again for what changes we have done?

My 3 scripts are rejected which is highly demanded Modules in one CRM.

Please help.


Can I Resubmit A Hard Rejected Item?

  • If your item has been Hard Rejected , you cannot re-submit the item.
  • Attempting to resubmit your rejected item(s) is considered an unacceptable use of Envato Market and may result in revoked upload rights .
  • You must create a brand new item and ensure it is entirely distinguishable from your rejected item.

maybe you are uploading the same item with the same title. If you would like to upload a rejected item then you have made a brand new item and ensure it is entirely distinguishable from your rejected item. Also you will need to change the Item’s title and you have to mention what premium functionality you have added in your resubmission.


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Thank you @mgscoder for giving your time.

But if Hard Rejected Products have created in new way and totally changed the coding, then also its not allowing to us submit it again, then?

You can check my portfolio sejalinfotech - Portfolio | CodeCanyon

I have created many filters for Perfex CRM, and that are sold vary well, but this time
when I create filter for Projects, they are not approving. This filter is asked us by many users of Perfex CRM, so we have created it.

My script is checked 10 times by me and I checked all the Rules that Envato wants in their script. Still its get rejected, its not right.

Again my script adepts styles of Perfex CRM, so designing issue can not be a reason of Rejection.

I think there should be some tool in Envato, where people can check their scripts before sending to approval, otherwise many useful scripts will not get approved, if it get rejected single time.

Need Help.

I am not sure but it can be a reason already you have many approved filters for Perfex CRM. If the item goes around same type/functionality then it can be hard rejected.

Hello @mgscoder
Its not same type of functionality, its different.

Perfex CRM provides many facilities like Tasks, Projects, Clients, Leads, Tickets and every entity has specific functionality.
I have created filters for Tasks, Leads and Tickets and they are purchased and used by many people.
This New filter is for filtering the Projects and this filter is also recommended by users of Perfex CRM, that’s why I have created this, so people can use it.

Still if they think its like same functionality, then how would I know by Hard Rejection and just saying “unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward”.

At least reviewer should tell us if its issue of Coding or functionality we are providing, so we can improve it. Now what happens, I don’t know the reason of Rejection so I am not able to understand, if reviewer did not liked my code or functionality, so how can I improve it.

High changes that your item is good as you have experience on selling, there just codecanyon (i guest) have a new reviewer and he is playing god game. My item got rejected too, it has a soft reject, then he ask me why I use somebody else content on demo (its a Term of service page i post on demo to test function, content is from a dead blog). Then hard rejected right away, even i edited that page, still rejected no mercy. If you resubmit, it will be rejected after 20-30 mins.

So I guest from now on when you submit the item, you should make sure you item perfect A-Z. There no second change haha, i just waste 2 months of hard work without sleep.

Yes @TheFlatEngine you are right, I have fully checked my code, its hardly 10 files because its a module, not stand alone script, but I think they misunderstood some where.

But I have checked forum, so many authors are facing Hard Rejection issues without any specific reason.

Any good news? You have your code accepted yet?

Hi @TheFlatEngine
Not yet. They just rejects in few seconds.

if you check here you can see very rare items get approved, just 3 items last days. and 0 on previous days

Yes, because there was an issue in uploading items on codecanyon last days.
Many people were getting database error when they tried to upload including me.

Ok, let look inside php category, only 8 approved last weeks in all sub categories. Common we are talking about largest market on earth.

I have a soft reject, then because of a a link to my blog → hard reject, i removed it and upload again → Hard reject after few minutes

Hi @TheFlatEngine ,

Yes they are approving very few items.
If they think, stand alone PHP script will be useful to people or not, then we can understand, but if we add Add-on for an existing script, then they should understand, different people have different requirements in CRM.

Like one Project filter in Perfex crm is asked by many people and they are waiting on codecanyon for us to add, so they can use. I mentioned also this thing in Comment while send for the approval, but reviewers hard rejecting every time.

Me and other authors noticed that the reviewer does not even open the demo site to check the quality or anything. Look like they just see us submitting then reject, or just read the title of the submittion and reject. You should consider change the title of plugin see if any luck.

Good news is your upload ability will not revoke. So upload as many time as you want, reviewer will click reject as fast as they can :joy:

But in Envato terms, they have written, they will revoke upload rights if we add hard rejected items many times.

Even if we try after 2-3 months with some modifications, then also they reject in few seconds.

No Solution is provided for Hard Rejection

It’s panic issue about hard rejection, i think they now not want to approve more products, and that is why for any reason that category has many products then hard rejected without mentioning any specific reason for rejection.

I uploaded my HRM laravel application and it’s hard to reject the second time. I followed all points they mentioned for approval and still, it’s hard to reject, I request please mention from your required point which point we are not satisfied and that why you make hard rejections so it’s easy for us to work on that part.

Hi, I do follow you, and you have excellent modules for Perfex!
I also received a hard rejection, even though I didn’t think I had anything bad, and I followed the instructions.
I saw that you uploaded many modules successfully in the past few months. How did you ensure that there were no issues?
Did you contact them or change something?
The issue is, they reject with no reasons given.

Did you submit with all documentation etc that is required?

If I do recall, yes, I did.
This is my first time uploading a script/add-on to Codecanyoun. Hence my little experience.
but I followed everything they asked for, and done things similar to what other sellers do.
I might copied a small description part from another seller and enhanced it a bit (I might copied 10% of item description) would that be a reason for a hard reject?