Originally published at: https://community.envato.com/most-wanted-animated-svg-sets-5500/
We’re running a contest for Animated SVG Sets on CodeCanyon.
The 10 Best Animated SVG Sets win $500 each!
Plus, the most sets uploaded and approved during the contest wins $500
What we’re looking for
There has been a trend over the last few years with blog writers & businesses using animated stock to help deliver a message (basically incorporating animated stock alongside their content).We are looking for Animated SVG sets that are versatile and customisable that help service this trend. Animated SVG sets should contain a minimum of 10 cohesive, highly customizable, animated illustrations that fit specific industries (eg. eCommerce, Business, Marketing, Legal, Medical, etc.). Everything from icons, characters, backgrounds, scenes, full illustrations, and more!
The quality of the item’s animation, design and overall consistency will be key criteria in “Best Item” judging.
It’s a Contest!
This Envato’s Most Wanted is a contest. And like any contest, you don’t want to be disqualified because you didn’t follow the rules. So as well as carefully following the procedure below, make sure you read everything in full.Here are the key details:
- Upload your items to Envato Market on or after Thursday, March 3rd and before the competition closes on Thursday, May 12th at 23.59 AEDT time.
- The winning files will get a share of $5,500.
- All winners will receive the much-desired “Won a Most Wanted Contest” badge.
- An author can enter as many items as they wish.
- Items must include a Live Preview.
- Multiple submissions from the same author must be different to one another.
- An author can win a maximum of two (2) “Best Set” prizes.
- If there is a tie for ‘Most Items Submitted’ the prize money will be be shared equally
- Eligible items must be related to the prize categories, and meet all above eligibility criteria.
- Final eligibility of entries is determined by Envato staff.
- Envato staff to judge prize winners.
- The quality of the items, design, animation, functionality and overall relevancy to the contest will be key criteria in “Best Item” judging.
- Envato & judges retain the right not to award Best Item prizes at their sole discretion if they deem appropriate levels of skill have not been met.
- Prizes are payable only via PayPal, Moneybookers/Skrill, or Payoneer.
- Only new items uploaded to the site within the contest time period are eligible.
- The entry deadline is based on the date of the final submission/resubmission leading to the item’s approval on Envato Market. Not the date of final approval.
How to Enter Your Items
- Upload your items according to the normal CodeCanyon upload instructions.
- Upload your items to the Animated SVG’s Category on CodeCanyon
What to Do After Your Items Are Approved
Once your items have been approved, do the following as soon as you can:- Complete the Most Wanted Entry Agreement. By doing this, you agree to keep any winning entries online for a minimum of two years.
- Post your approved entries in the forum thread.