Hello, I was hoping this community could help me find the exact theme I am looking for. I am working on a portfolio site and I want a pretty simple design that uses multiple galleries or portfolios per page, and not just one. I do not want a portfolio that uses filters.
The primary navigation will be a top nav. Logo on the left, navigation on the right. The home page would be like any other theme on here with a featured image, posts below, etc.
But when I click on either ‘Illustration’ or ‘Photography’ it would bring up a gallery (right) and left-side-nav to sort through each gallery by project. For example:
LOGO Home | Illustration | Photography | Store | About
Smith Wedding
Chicago Fair
Mercedes Benz
T&F Construction
Does this make sense?
Can this be done easily?
Is there a stylish theme that looks our sounds like this?
Hello, I am still wondering how I can accomplish this. I have seen shortcode methods of showing child pages as a navigation under one parent page, which is what I want to accomplish (as shown in the example above). But I am hoping to find a theme that has room for a sub-navigation on the left.
Should this just be done with tags/categories? And can I find a multi-gallery theme that has the tags listed on the left like shown in my example?
Any help is greatly appreciated. I’m stumped and I thought the Themeforest community of creators could help. Thanks!
This does not answer my question, unfortunately. It’s great knowing there is a custom shop if all else fails, but I am competent enough to work with an existing theme and customize it to fit my needs. I just want to avoid having to heavily modify a theme to accomplish a VERY simple design.
Im asking if any such Wordpress theme exists here on Themeforest, or if there are somewhat similar themes that can be used as a compromise. I figured some designers, theme fanatics, or community gurus would be able to point me to themes that look similar. I’ve gone through nearly all of the Wordpress portfolio themes on here, tried each demo, and there are some themes that are NEARLY there, but there is a common trend with generic galleries, poor hover states on thumbnails, and so on.