For writing a sensational three part series for called “Marketing for the Market” covering why social media is a waste of time for authors, why the email marketing still works, and how to build a targeted mailing list.
It was our first series on and was incredibly well received by the community.
Congratulations @AmigoProductions
For providing great details on the tax changes to other authors.
Congratulations @SeventhQueen
For promoting authors’ items on his website, increasing sales for other authors, and profits for himself, showing us what an affective affiliate looks like. He’s also started contributing to with great enthusiasm.
Congratulations @OsamaSayegh
Congratulations to our latest superstars!
Your Community superstar badges have been awarded, so, be sure to wear it with pride!
Vote for February’s Community Superstars here!
Did you know that our superstars are voted and suggested by our very own community? Make sure your voice counts! Nominate a fellow community member via our nomination form on any day of the month! We want to hear who you think deserves to be our next community superstar!
Congratulations again to our latest superstars!