MAKERS OF THEMES: PLEASE RECOMMEND a grid-style to showcase youtube videos

grid-style to showcase youtube videos

any sites that isnt wordpress

Look on code canyon - there are lots of JS or other format video galleries/grids that can then be integrated to whatever’s wider site template that you want to use.

Well you are asking for ‘any sites that isn’t Wordpress’ so presumably you mean just a site template so the easiest way would be to just add the embed code from YouTube and have them there.

This is not a particularly stand out feature and if you don’t want to invest time checking portoflio tempaltes then I would still suggest using somehting like this and adding it (very very basic stuff) to a general template which you like

It’s just about flexibility.

  • The plugin scripts allow you to add a glalery like the link aobve to ay template that you want to use.

  • Using YouTube embed code will place the video there but you will have to create the layout as a grid yourselfand it will not animate/open as a lightbox etc.

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You can replace the image with YouTube videos
