Looking for WordPress theme like Airbnb.

Hey guys.

I’m looking for a theme that has similar features as Airbnb. Only feature resemblance is important, design resemblance is not.

Basically, I’d need features like:

  • renting and booking management
  • payment process integrated
  • reviews, custom categories
  • good search engine
  • a google map to display location


  • if possible some info remain hidden until the booking is made
  • similar as Airbnb has that it holds the user’s money until the reservation starts.

Feel free to share some links with me if there are any.

Cheers, Nik

Heya :smiley:

Maybe some of these Airbnb style themes will have what you’re looking for:

Hey Nik,

Did you find a good feature resemblance theme.
I am searching for a similar solution and will be happy to know if you have a recommendation for me.

Cheers, Einat

Hi King the main problem is the hotel owners didn’t get any update directly when a person books or canceled we need to inform them because these themes did not support multivendor. Each hotel owners need seperate log in for updating room availability

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