Hello guys!
I am looking for a specific wordpress theme and perhaps some of you can help me where can I find it
I will briefly describe what theme I mean.
Main page - I would like to have only company logo and categories, as it is shown on below screen (01.png)
After clicking on specific category, I would like to have:
- all categories (with items on left panel)
- in main area I would like to have specific items for selected category
In below screen (02.png) it is shown how it should look like:
- After clicking on specific item there is item’s page with some description, as it is shown on below screen (03.png):
Ok, so now I will describe it by example. Let’s assume that web page is about vehicles. So, cateories are: cars, motorbikes, trucks and so on. After clicking on cars category, there are cars brands: BMW, Marcedes and so on - these are items. After clicking on specyfic item, for example BMW, there is BMW’s page with description of company.
I would be grateful for any help where I could find the theme described by me
All the best and have a nice day!