Looking for Service Provider Directory Theme

I am looking for a service provider directory theme which I can use for “Computer Repair” related businesses. It would be a simple website with a way for customer to enter their zip code and view local businesses.

The theme would need to have a blog page and contact form. Trying to make it easy site for customer to browse but has to be responsive.

Overall something like www.computerhelp.com but easier for people to use and look better for business owner.

or something “newer designed” like http://www.findmeatech.com/index.html or like http://www.nationwidecomputertechs.net

I want it to be setup so the USER can add their own listing without any help, upload their info and etc.

You can use Listify template it is very good template and good for customization.

I have made several sites with Listify template. If you want I can give you offer for your site?
